My life tends to be interesting in little snippets rather than long tales of mayhem and madness, which can make it difficult to write about. Hopefully this blog will help me become a better story teller.
I love cats, I (mostly) like dogs, and I wouldn't have any issue with keeping hermit crabs as pets.
I think corsets are awesome.
My favourite corset. |
I love my husband, (Ooolon Colluphid); my housemate (The Mezzanine) is awesome, and my cat is just the cutest thing ever. Something smells nice right now. I can't figure out what it is - might be the laundry which is drying on the rack as I write.
I have some truly amazing people around me, and I one of the things I need to work on is taking the initiative to see them more often. Having become used to a reasonably reclusive lifestyle, it's one of my goals to become a bit more social and work toward a stronger network. Not being sick when people have gatherings arranged would also help in that respect.
I'm a classical musician and a mad cyclist at heart, but the latter is a passion I've only been able to indulge as I see fit in recent weeks (despite cycling all Summer every Summer for the previous 5 years).
That's a brief spiel about me, and it may be added to and updated as time goes on. We shall see.